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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
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Warning: OnCue does not print underscores ( _ ) in the barcode at this time, so they cannot currently be used in IDs if you are using a barcode reader/scanner. This will be addressed in a future release.
Can OnCue use barcode readers/scanners? Yes, yes we can.
Using a barcode reader/scanner is basically like using a wireless 10-key pad, a mouse with programmable buttons, or a presentation clicker. It is just another piece of hardware that is sending the characters it reads from printed barcodes to the computer. There are lots of different models with settings and options specific to each one.
OnCue uses the barcode font known as code 39 which is also known as Code 3 of 9. Very Star Trekkie and we love it.
OnCue prints a barcode of the ID on the page with the commands you would use from a keyboard, for instance, xD567.1.1<ENTER> and then when read by the barcode reader/scanner, that gets sent to the computer the same as it would from a keyboard. Assuming the reader/scanner is set up properly, it will work just fine.
NOTE: Barcode readers will not work if you have added any modifiers to "X" (like CTRL or SHIFT).
Note: Keep your file names a reasonable length as the print area is only so big.
Tip: When printing barcodes on a page, OnCue prints only the Media ID. If you are trying to use Name or Bates, you will have to print the barcodes yourself. As mentioned above, it is important to use the 3 of 9 or Code 39 barcode font. When typing into another program, you must have asterisks ( * ) at the beginning and end for OnCue to recognize it.
This converts to barcode font and OnCue knows you are typing X+EX3 and Enter. This works for ID, Name and Bates. The key is to have the asterisks and the X.
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