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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
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How do I copy from one list to another?
Can I combine two lists together?
Designation Lists are the page/line clips of the deposition testimony for the purpose of playback in court. You will need a synchronized transcript file (.mdb or an OnCue xml) and the raw deposition video to use this feature (see Adding Synchronized Transcripts). There are several ways to create Designation Lists in OnCue (manually, importing lists and through the Designation Wizard. Below is an explanation of the first, quick way to create a list and add single designations.
Copying Designations & Merging Lists
Ever had to create a new list from a subset of designations in an existing list? OnCue makes that easy. Select your designations, right-click, and choose Create New Designation List from Selection.

OnCue will give you a default ID, but you can change that and you can add a name and hit okay.

You can use the same method to create a merged list from two existing ones. The lists V3 and V4 have been selected.

Create ID and new name. It appends one list after the other.

A quick right-click -> Sort.

Then right-click -> Renumber IDs.

Sorting Your List
There are many other ways to sort your designation lists. For more sorting options check out our article Sorting Designation Lists.
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