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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
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There are many tricks to editing your pages and lines in OnCue.
Merging Pages
If you get a list with each page broken out, like in the picture below, it is not ideal when you create reports and go to fine tune to play in court. We got you covered.

Right-click on the list and select Merge Page-to-Page

Now all the designations are merged for cleaner look and play.
Adding/Changing a Line or Page
You can edit lines and pages on an existing designation without creating a new one and you can do it in two different ways.
Editing in the Designation Editor
At the top of the Designation Editor you will see Lines: ##:## to ##:## Just left-click on that to edit and hit enter when you are finished.
Editing in the Transcript Viewer Left-click on the designation you want to edit. It will show on the transcript.
Now highlight on the transcript what you want the new page and lines to be, right-click and select Edit Start/Stop to Selection
Your designation has now been updated.
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