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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
Articles > Audiovisuals
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My PDF document takes a long to load in viewer?
My Document doesn't come up quickly.
OnCue uses the native PDF files that you load into it. (Note: it is always a good idea to save a backup of your docs someplace else)
If a document is running slowly then it is possible that there are some issues with the file, like too much meta data or something is hinky with the PDF. We’ve created a solution to try and fix things that can affect how your document performs in OnCue.
How to Optimize PDFs
Right-click on your document and select Optimize PDF...

Optimize Page Contents |
Optimize object encoding |
Optimize images |
Optimize for fast web view |
Remove unused resources |
Disable stream compression |
Flatten PDF annotations |
Rasterize PDF |
Attempt to repair damaged files |
Create backup before optimizing |
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