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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
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OnCue can scroll through pages like Acrobat does using the scroll wheel on a mouse. Just hold down the CTRL and scroll.
However, we understand that in some cases you don't want to split your pages right in the middle when you are trying to show the bottom of one page and the top of the next. You can accomplish this with a Page Dragging Split Screen.

Pull up the next page:
Start at your main page and position the mouse near the bottom of the Viewer, hold in the CTRL key, then right-click and drag the mouse up from the bottom of the screen to drag the next page up.
Pull down the previous page:
Removing the split screen:
Note: Keep in mind that if you hold down the CTRL key while you pan – the minute the split line moves off the top of the page, it will come up again at the bottom no matter what part of the page you are on.
bottom of page