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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue

Articles > Audiovisuals

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Narrowing the Scope of the Issue

It can be disorienting and frustrating when something isn't working correctly and there isn't always enough information to fix the problem, let alone know where to start.

For any video issue, it helps to first narrow the scope of the issue–is it a problem with my machine, the software, or the video file? Try playing the video file in a different media player outside of OnCue. If it plays properly there (scrub through to make sure it plays from start to finish) then you know it's not a problem with the video file itself. If not, the video file may have been corrupted–you can try it on another machine to see if that is the case.

Below are some common video issues with our recommendations on how to fix or begin troubleshooting the issue:

Issue #1: When fine-tuning a designation, my video starts at the beginning of the video instead of where the designation starts.

Fix: Right-click on your transcript and select Optimize Video – this may take a while, but it fixes issues with the raw deposition video in your "_synchedvideos" folder.


Issue #2: File not found

file not found

Check: Check the file name and extension. Click on the Show folder link. This will take you to the “_synchedvideos” folder in File Explorer and you can verify the name and extension (file type). It is important that the raw deposition video files are in the root of “_synchedvideos”

Fix: If the names or extension don’t match, the easy fix is to remap the video. Right click on the transcript and choose Remap Media Files – see our article titled Missing Media - How to Remap Media Files for more information.


Issue #3: My video is not lining up with the transcript on designations. This is more than likely an issue with the sync file.

Fix: Use the manual sync tool to correct small errors with the timing on your sync file. See the Manual Transcript Sync article for more information.


Issue #4: My video is black, but I can hear the audio and see scrolling text.

Fix #1Right-click on the transcript and select Optimize Video

Fix #2: Advanced–you can choose what video driver OnCue uses. Go to Edit > Preferences and in the lower left corner under Options – select Show Advanced Settings. In the Audio/Video section you can change H/W-accelerated playback and the Playback Renderer. This is only recommended if Optimize Video doesn’t work.


Issue #5: My non-depo video file seems choppy and pixelated. It just isn’t playing right.

FixRight-click on the file and select Optimize Video


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