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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue

Articles > Audiovisuals

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Need to adjust your pages? Need to remove the “deponent name” from line 1 of your transcript? You can do that!


On the menu, select Tools and then Sync & Edit Transcripts

Click Choose Transcript and select the transcript you would like to edit.

Now that your transcript is loaded, click on the pencil in the upper right corner. All text changes made to the transcript will be reflected everywhere.


You can go to a specific line and you can search for a word or words.


Type in word and use the dropdown.


You can move to those words using the arrows.


You can click in the transcript and change a specific word.


Or you can change every instance. Be sure to select Whole Word when you do this.

This will change the ENTIRE transcript so if you don’t want it then Don’t Save Changes.

This cannot be undone and you will have to add the transcript all over again.

Tip: Use the search arrow to go the first instance, this will bold the words, so you can easily spot the changes.


NOTE: If you changed the text in a designation – the Global Change will not be reflected. Your text edit in the designation remains the same. You can go to an individual designation, click the edit text button and select revert changes.


Notice the designation edit didn’t change. This only applies to words you changed. Changes will be reflected in the designations if you didn’t manually change anything.


Click on the pencil in the designation editor and select Revert to Transcript Text.


See Editing Text in a Designation for more info on editing text.

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