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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
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OnCue has 2 panels in presentation mode. This means that 2 pages or an audiovisual and a page can be displayed in Presentation, either vertically (side by side) or horizontally (one on top of the other).
These split screens can be saved ahead of time. See Saving Annotations and Split Page Lock articles. Each media type shares equal space on the screen and by clicking the area of the screen you wish to be active, you can annotate documents or zoom on video. For more information see the articles about Displaying Exhibits and Playback of Video and Audio Clips.
Vertical Split | / |
Vertical Split with next page | CTRL + / |
Horizontal Split | \ |
Horizontal Split with next page | CTRL + \ |
Horizontal Split with page scrolling | CTRL + Mouse Scroll Wheel |
Swap Spit Panes | ALT + / |
Show Next in All Panes | CTRL + Right Arrow |
Unsplit and Launch Single Pane | CTRL + SHIFT + F5 |
How to Split
Bring up a document or audiovisual and press /
Left-click on the blank side (or press Tab) to make that zone active.
Manually enter the Media ID (X+ID+ENTER) or select a page/audiovisual in Production and hitting F5. Note: If you are using On-Air Mode, you need only select the page/audiovisual in Production.
The / and \ hotkeys are toggles. Selecting either of those a second time will make the screen go back to single-page display on whichever side is active.
Notes about On the Fly split screens: To launch a single page from the viewer after your split, hitting the CTRL + SHIFT + F5 - Whichever side is active will launch as single page. CTRL + SHIFT + F5 is the hotkey for unsplit all and launch active pane.
Notes about Pre-Saving and Locking Split Screens: If you have pre-saved and locked split screens, the next ID you launch will launch exactly as you expect either single or double (see the Split Page Lock article for more details).
You can split screen a few different ways with OnCue - Horizontal, Vertical, or if you are only working with documents you can drag the next page up (or previous page down) into the viewer.
Horizontal Split Screens
Pressing the forward slash ( / ) will split the Viewer into 2 sections. By default, the second section will be blank but pressing CTRL + / will split the Viewer horizontally with next page of the document pulled up in the second section. Pressing forward slash again will remove the section without focus. You can tell which section has focus - it will have a gray rectangle drawn around it.

Vertical Split Screens
To splash the screen vertically, press the backslash key ( \ ) in the Viewer. The same idea of bringing up the next page of the document works with CTRL + \ and pressing backslash again will remove the unfocused section.

Tip: To show the bottom of one page and the top of the next page follow these steps. Bring up your document, hit W and then page down to show the bottom of the page. Now select CTRL + W + \ to split the document with the top of the next page.

Page Dragging Split Screen
Sometimes you just need to show a portion of the next page instead of a perfect vertical split.
To pull up the next page, position the mouse near the bottom of the Viewer, hold in the CTRL key, then right-click and drag the mouse up from the bottom of the screen to drag the next page up. You can also CTRL + right-click and drag from the top of the page to pull down the end of the previous page from the top of the Viewer. Double-clicking on the section you'd like to keep will remove and clear the other section of the split screen.
Remember: If you have zoomed in or gone wide in either pane, you will need to double-click twice to go back to a single page (the first double-click clears the zoom).

Note: Keep in mind that if you hold down the CTRL key while you pan – the minute the split line moves off the top of the page, it will come up again at the bottom no matter what part of the page you are on.
See our article Page Dragging Split Screen for more details.
How to Unsplit
Here is how split screens work. The split screen is a toggle so you can use the / or \ to unsplit. You can also double-click on the active side to clear the split.
Blanking the screen (Esc once or B) and then clicking on a single page or typing X + ID will display only a single page.
Unsplit will display the active side (active side is what the grey box is around).
Double-clicking on the active side will also clear the split and leave the document you clicked on.
OFF-AIR (Working from the Viewer):
Blanking the screen must happen on both sides Viewer and Presentation to display a single page.
CTRL + SHIFT + F5 is the hotkey for unsplit all and launch active pane in the Viewer.
Double-clicking on the active side (in both Viewer and Presentation) will also clear the split and leave the document you clicked on.
You can clear the split page in Presentation only but notice that the Viewer still has a split screen. You will need to unsplit the Viewer to launch a single page.
NOTICE: Once Presentation is active the hotkeys follow Presentation – blanking Presentation and then trying to blank the Viewer will un-blank Presentation.
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