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Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals within OnCue
Articles > Audiovisuals
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A lot of OnCue's features are accessible in right-click menus for various files and work product. If you're ever in doubt about what you can with something– just right-click it.
Here is a list of articles that show all of the right-click menus in the program:
Documents (including the Viewer pane with a document showing)
Audiovisuals (including the Viewer pane with an audiovisual file showing)
Transcripts (including the Transcript Viewer pane)
Media Scripts
Right-Click Menus (Audiovisuals)
Main Audiovisual Folder:

1 | Show in Windows File Explorer | Exactly as described – opens folder where your file is |
2 | Print... | Print IDs, barcodes, and other info for this folder on blank page(s) |
3 | Copy | Copy your entire AV folder and paste into a Notebook or Media Script |
4 | Edit Name and ID... | Change the name and ID in OnCue only, not underlying file |
5 | Delete | Careful, 2 options: database only or database and drive |
6 | Import | All options for import available, not tied to audiovisuals |
7 | Export | 1 option: exhibit list |
8 | Add Segments... | Add another AV file to existing folder (like adding pages to a non-PDF document) |
9 | Add to Notebook | Add to existing (list provided) or create new |
10 | Renumber IDs | Move AV segments (files) in the folder or delete things, keep your IDs consecutive using this |
11 | Mark as Admitted | Marks AV file as admitted |
12 | Optimize Audio... | Having audio or video issues? this optimizes just the file you have selected |
Segment Level:

1 | Show in Windows File Explorer | Exactly as described – opens folder where your file is |
2 | Print... | Print IDs, barcodes, and other info for this folder on blank page(s) |
3 | Copy | Copy the segment or multiple segments and paste into a Notebook or Media Script |
4 | Copy Clip Info | Copy the clip time info and paste in another segment to create a new clip under that segment (if only 1 clip in segment) |
5 | Edit Name and Bates Number... | Change the name and Bates in OnCue only, not underlying file |
6 | Delete | Careful, 2 options: database only or database and drive |
7 | Import | All options for import available, not tied to audiovisuals |
8 | Export | 1 option: exhibit list |
9 | Add Clips... | Add clip to existing segment (using timecode) |
10 | Add to Notebook | Add to existing (list provided) or create new |
11 | Renumber IDs | Move AV segments (files) in the folder or delete things, keep your IDs consecutive using this |
12 | Mark as Admitted | Marks clip as admitted |
13 | Sort | 2 options: by ID or by Timecode |
14 | Optimize Audio... | Having audio or video issues? this optimizes just the file you have selected |
Clip Level:

1 | Print... | Print IDs, barcodes, and other info for this folder on blank page(s) |
2 | Copy | Copy the clip and paste into a Notebook or Media Script |
3 | Rename... | Change the name of the clip only, not underlying file |
4 | Delete | Deletes from case completely (treat it like an annotation) |
5 | Import | All options for import available, not tied to audiovisuals |
6 | Export | 2 options: exhibit list, export video–you can export single or multiple clips from the same file |
7 | Add to Notebook | Add to existing (list provided) or create new |
Audiovisual in Viewer:

1 | Undo | As described |
2 | Presentation | Choose how you present |
3 | Displays | Choose your display |
4 | Playback Speed | Speed up or slow down playback - NOT for presentation |
5 | Copy as Image | No background copied - (see Copying & Exporting Images if background is needed) |
6 | Save as Image | Save as *.png |
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