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Optimizing Your PDFs

Articles > Documents

August 2, 2022 at 10:33:55 PM

Video Tutorial

Right-click on your document and select Optimize PDF...

Here are your options:

  • Optimize Page Contents
    Improves splitting performance
    Restructures the PDF so that all information on each page is located within that page

  • Optimize object encoding
    Makes PDF load faster
    Stores PDF data as decoded objects rather than streams

  • Optimize images
    Makes pdf load faster
    Encodes images as JPEG

  • Optimize for fast web view
    Makes PDF load faster.
    Restructures the PDF so that pages can be loaded without reading the entire file

  • Remove unused resources
    Makes PDF smaller, might improve load time
    Removes unnecessary resources from PDF

  • Disable stream compression
    Makes PDF load faster
    Extracts PDF data into uncompressed streams, making the PDF larger but faster to load

  • Flatten PDF annotations
    Might help with missing overlays/stickers
    Converts PDF annotations into regular PDF objects

  • Attempt to repair damaged files
    Can fix broken PDFs
    Rebuilds cross reference table by scanning entire PDF file

  • Create backup before optimizing
    Keeps the old, unoptimized version around once optimizing is done.

Optimize PDF

My PDF document takes a long to load in viewer?

My Document doesn't come up quickly.

OnCue uses the native PDF files that you load into it. (Note: it is always a good idea to save a backup of your docs some place else)

If a document is running slow it is possible that there are some issues with the file like too much meta data or something is hinky with the PDF. We’ve built in a way to try and fix a few things that could affect how your document is running in OnCue.

Step-by-step Instructions

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