Adding Documents
Articles > Documents
March 8, 2024 at 11:20:38 PM
To add documents to an OnCue case, start by selecting “Add Media” from the Workflow Ribbon. You can then browse to your documents, or click the + on the Documents section of the Media Bar to jump directly to the _documents folder of your current case.
After selecting the files or folders to be added, drag them over to the Documents section of the Media Bar or hit the + at the top of your Files pane.
OnCue will then launch the Add Media dialog box.
PLEASE NOTE: IDs must NOT start with punctuation or a symbol and all leading zeros are dropped from an ID.
You have some options here. You can change what character separates the ID from the Name, (if you have one.) OnCue considers everything after the delimiter (in this case Space) a Name.
D100 July 15th Memo.PDF
D100 will be the ID and everything after the first space will be the Name as shown above. No guessing what your documents will show up as.
You can also change your IDs and Names. You can do this individually or per file. There are numerous options.
This does not change the underlying file name, only how OnCue recognizes it. The source file doesn't change.
OnCue will load all of the single pages in a folder as one document. So all of your single page tiffs for one exhibit need to be in an exhibit folder and they load the same way with ID and Name. OnCue does not take Multi-page tiffs.
OnCue reads the PDF you added. If you make changes to that PDF in the _document folder after adding, OnCue recognizes that.
OnCue does NOT take load files. To be Frank and Ernest (as Sam Jackson would say) PDFs load so fast that you will never look back.
As promised in the beginning of this article...
Document/Image formats:
bmp gif jif jfi jfif jpe jpeg jpg png tiff tif