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You can drag and drop your pages to reorder a document.

1. Choose the document you want under the document tab.

2. Drag and drop the pages to reorder them. Page two is now the first page in Exhibit 4 in the image below.

Note: You can drag a title page to the bottom of the document or just delete the page without deleting it from the underlying PDFs.

3. Now right-click on your document, choose Renumber IDs and choose Renumber IDs again. This renumbers your document starting at 1.

Fixing a Non-Page Number Start Page

1. Choose the document you want under the document tab, Right-click, select Renumber IDs and then Renumber IDs Starting with…

2. Change to your new starting number and Select Okay.

OnCue will only do consecutive numbers for auto-numbering.

You cannot change individual page IDs. To assign alternate IDs use the Bates or Name field.

Fixing a Non-Page 1 Start

You can drag and drop your annotations to reorder them underneath a page just like you reorder pages in document.

1. Drag your annotations in the order you want them. This is useful if you plan to use the keyboard arrow hotkeys to cycle through saved annotations, and you’re displaying in a different order than from which they were created.

2. Unless you have a reason to keep the original page IDs regardless of the new order, you should renumber them sequentially. Right-click on the page select Renumber IDs.

Changing the Order and Renumbering of Annotations